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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/02/11 The Kingdom of the Merciful Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 11.10.02A.Merciful.mp3
09/25/11 Not By Myself: Taking a Cue from Samson Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 11.09.25A.Samson.mp3
09/18/11 Q&A #60 Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 11.09.18P.QA60.mp3
09/18/11 Dealing with Guilt Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 11.09.18A.Guilt.mp3
09/13/11 Children: Obedient Because It Pleases the Lord Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 11.09.13.Children.mp3
09/04/11 Divorce & Remarriage: A Review of Rubel Shelly's Book Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 11.09.04P.ReviewOfShelly.mp3
08/28/11 Desensitization Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 11.08.28A.Desensitization.mp3
08/21/11 The Mournful and the Meek Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 11.08.21P.MournMeek.mp3
08/21/11 Why Bad Things Happen to Good People Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 11.08.21A.BadThings.mp3
08/14/11 3 Problems with the "Geologic Column" Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 11.08.14P.GeologicColumn.mp3
08/14/11 Stability in an Unstable World Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 11.08.14A.Stability.mp3
08/07/11 3 Examples of Intelligent Design Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 11.08.07P.IntelligentDesign.mp3
08/07/11 Jesus, the Resurrection & the Life Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 11.08.07A.John11.mp3
07/31/11 Q&A #59 Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 11.07.31P.QA59.mp3
07/31/11 The God of "Nice" Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 11.07.31A.TheGodOfNice.mp3
07/24/11 The Kingdom of the Lowly Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 11.07.24A.Lowly.mp3
07/17/11 God's Sovereignty and Falling Away Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 11.07.17P.OnceSaved.mp3
07/17/11 The Extent of God's Grace Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 11.07.17A.GraceExtent.mp3
07/10/11 Evidences for Inspiration Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 11.07.10P.EvidencesForInspiration.mp3
07/10/11 Judging Others Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 11.07.10A.JudgingOthers.mp3
07/03/11 Capernaum: Squandered Opportunities Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 11.07.03P.Capernaum.mp3
06/26/11 Spiritual Weakness, Part 2, Prescription Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 11.06.26P.WeaknessRx.mp3
06/26/11 Spiritual Weakness, Part 1, Signs/Symptoms Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 11.06.26A.WeaknessSigns.mp3
06/19/11 Collections / Associations with Unbelievers Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 11.06.19P.QA58.mp3
06/19/11 New & Improved Religion Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 11.06.19A.NewImproved.mp3

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