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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/10/10 A Look at the New International Version Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 10.01.10P.ALookattheNIV.mp3
01/10/10 Building Relationships in the Church Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 10.01.10A.BuildingRelationshipsintheChurch.mp3
01/03/10 Goin' to Heaven Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 10.01.03P.GoingToHeaven.mp3
01/03/10 An Immoral Government Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 10.01.03A.AnImmoralGovernment.mp3
12/27/09 Upward Basketball and the Social Gospel Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 09.12.27A.UpwardBasketball.mp3
12/20/09 Spiritual Goals: Raise the Bar Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 09.12.20A.SpiritualGoals-RaisetheBar.mp3
12/13/09 Fellowship Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 09.12.13A.Fellowship.mp3
12/06/09 A Covenant with My Eyes Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 09.12.06P.ACovenantwithMyEyes.mp3
12/06/09 On the First Day of the Week Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 09.12.06A.OntheFirstDayoftheWeek.mp3
11/29/09 Measuring Our Lives Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 09.11.29P.MeasuringOurLives.mp3
11/29/09 Interpreting the Scriptures Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 09.11.29A.InterpretingtheScriptures.mp3
11/22/09 Fault-finding Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 09.11.22P.Faultfinding.mp3
11/22/09 Accepting Rebuke Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 09.11.22A.AcceptingRebuke.mp3
11/08/09 A Genuine Christian Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 09.11.08PA.GenuineChristian.mp3
11/08/09 Defecting to the Enemy Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 09.11.08A.DefectingtotheEnemy.mp3
11/01/09 Stay Awake! Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 09.11.01P.StayAwake.mp3
11/01/09 True Spirituality Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 09.11.01A.TrueSpirituality.mp3
10/25/09 Thessalonica Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 09.10.25A.Thessalonica.mp3
10/18/09 Martin Luther Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 09.10.18P.MartinLuther.mp3
10/18/09 Defensive Christianity Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 09.10.18A.DefensiveChristianity.mp3
10/11/09 Improving Our Prayer Life Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 09.10.11P.ImprovingOurPrayerLife.mp3
10/11/09 For the Remission of Sins Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 09.10.11A.FortheRemissionofSins.mp3
10/04/09 Rules of Ruination Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 09.10.04P.RulesofRuination.mp3
10/04/09 The Lord's Summons Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun AM 09.10.04A.TheLordsSummons.mp3
09/20/09 Instrumental Music in Worship Allen Dvorak Sermon N/A Sun PM 09.09.20P.InstrumentalMusicinWorship.mp3

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